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讲 座 信 息

主题:The Automaton of Affect in Japanese Robotics



摘要:What does it mean to automate affect? Can robots express or even have emotion? Could AI augment peoples emotional intelligence or even their ability to love? This lecture situates discussions on affect, emotion, and technology in anthropology in the context of contemporary Japanese technoculture. It asks what happens to the culturally specific dimensions of affective experience when it is 1) formulated as a theory, 2) modeled in a machine, and 3) used as a technological tool to collect data and interpret human behavior. The lecture will explore this question through examples of emerging social robots in Japan with so-called artificial emotional intelligence. 

主讲人:Daniel White

Daniel White is a cultural anthropologist working at the intersections of emotion, politics, and emerging media technologies in Japan and the Asia Pacific. He is the current co-organizer of Model Emotion, an ethnographic research project in which anthropologists, psychologists, computer scientists, and robotics engineers document the social impact of building machines with artificial emotional intelligence. He is also the author of Administering Affect: Pop-Culture Japan and the Politics of Anxiety (Stanford University Press, 2022). Other publications can be found in the journals Cultural Anthropology, The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, and on his online project page at modelemotion.org. He is most recently affiliated with the Department of Social Anthropology and the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence, both at the University of Cambridge. He also currently conducts engaged research and grant writing for Kōkua Kalihi Valley, a community health organization committed to advancing health, healing, and reconciliation in Kalihi, Hawaii. 


波士顿大学人类学博士,现任5822yh银河国际社会学系新百人计划研究员。研究领域为宗教人类学(含世俗主义相关问题)、仪式与社会理论等。其研究发表在Material Religion, Journal of Chinese Humanities 等杂志上。